Tuesday, September 25, 2007

What was he thinking?

Check out this article that I read online in the New York Times:


Published: September 25, 2007
A former top administrator of the Camden campus of the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey gave passing grades to unqualified students, potentially endangering patients, according to a federal monitor’s report released yesterday. In the report, the monitor, Herbert J. Stern, wrote that an inquiry had confirmed allegations against the administrator, Dr. Paul R. Mehne, who was the associate dean for academic and student affairs at the university’s Robert Wood Johnson Medical School campus in Camden since 1995. Dr. Mehne was suspended with pay in June and then retired at the end of the month. A telephone call to his home was not returned yesterday. The university has since made changes to increase oversight of the Camden campus, said Anna Farneski, a spokeswoman for the university.

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