Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Deadline Extension - Monday Feb 2

Year 10 - Due to technical difficulties (otherwise known as no internet and lots of down time waiting for the system to reboot) our deadline has been extended until Monday February 2 - beginning of class.

As mentioned in class - you do NOT have to use the computer to complete your actual designs (pencil and paper will do just fine).

4 students were able to submit their Criterion B (Design) in spite of the problem - Well done!

January 28

Year 10

Our deadlines have changed a bit. Design is due today (Jan 28) at the end of class.

We have a new wiki. It is located at It is private (this means that it is closed to the public and you must receive an invitation to view it). Your status will be that of "Writer". Writers can edit pages and revert pages to previous versions. They can also upload new files and create new pages. Writers cannot perform any action that cannot be undone.

You do NOT have permission to edit the front page or side bar. You may create a page for your country. You may NOT edit anyone else's page.

If you need some help with wiki tutorials check out these sites: and

I expect you to stay on task as our deadlines are tight.

Design is due today - Jan 28

Friday, January 23, 2009

January 26, 28

Year 10 - Let's get creative.

Designs due January 28

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

January 21

Deadlines for the rest of the Term 2
Investigate - January 19
Design - January 26
Plan - January 28
Create - February 11
Evaluate - February 18

Year 10 - Let's take a look at the assessment rubric to see how your will be evaluated for Criterion B (Design):

  • Make at least 3 designs that aim to match your design specification (this could be a sketch, powerpoint, publisher or any other appropriate tool)
  • Describe how well each design fits your original design specification
  • Choose ONE design, describe in detail what you think about the design and explain why this design is the most suitable choice
*Remember a 5-6 looks like this: The student generates a range of feasible designs, each evaluated against the design specification. The student justifies the chosen design and evaluates it fully and critically against the design specification.

Homework - collect images, links, etc

Sunday, January 18, 2009

January 19

Year 10 - BOO! the correct answer to the last poll (How many stages does the MYP Design Cylce have?)is 5 (Investigate, Design, Plan, Create, and Evaluate).

Now answer this week's poll question.

Now, on to other matters. Although we have finished the Investigate portion of this project, we still need to do a couple of more things: register for an account with pbwiki ( ), request admission to the wiki (, then do a tutorial to find out how it works. Keep in mind that you will be designing your page/s on Wednesday;-)

To get you started:

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

What about this?????

Year 10 - I saw this online today and thought about you;-)

Check out this link ( before you finish your design specification.

Monday, January 12, 2009

January 12, 14

Investigate: - Due Wednesday, Jan 14 (end of class)

Identify the problem - Explain the problem and discuss its relevance. In your own words describe what the problem is - 1) offer a solution, 2) relate the problem/solution to an Area of Interaction (AOI)

Design Brief - State Why/What/Where/Who and How for your problem
-Research the problem citing your sources in a full, organized bibliography
-Ask 4 or 5 pertinent questions that will drive your investigation. For example: What is a wiki? What is a tourist agency? . . . Remember to look at 3 different tourist sites to gather ideas
State which information you found to be useful/and not useful and why?
-Use more than 5 different sources

Remember to document all your research by using in-text referencing.

Design Specification -
-List what your product is going to be, be like, be used for, be able to do and be made with (bullet point this list). What will you include? Information? Facts? Links? Movie? and then say WHY you will include it.

-Describe detailed methods to evaluate your page. That means to make a test (questionnaire??) that will check each point in your design specification .
Each question in your questionnaire must be directly linked to each item in your Design Specification.
*Make sure that you describe who the test is for and how it will be used

Investigate: - Due Wednesday, Jan 14 (end of class)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Year 10 - Our wiki address is:

Add youself to our wiki by registering.

The name of our wiki is: On Tour

You must learn a bit about PBwiki and how to upload and organize your information, images, videos, slideshows, links, etc.

In easiest way to do that is by doing some tutorials. Here are some links to tutorials. Please feel free to use them or find your own by doing a keyword search.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

January 7


Welcome back Year 10.

Let's continue working on the Investigations. I will correct your drafts this week and hand them back on Monday!

Please participate in today's poll:-)