Tuesday, January 29, 2008

10 minute question

Year 10 You have done a lot of research on advertising so you can help me out.

If I have 3 kittens to give away, which advertising method should I use and WHY? Explain.

Write your answer NOW in your blog (please). Let's see what you come up with;-)

January 30

Year 10

Design is a creative part of the Design Cycle - it's the part where we imagine and dream . . . Continue with your designs. Print them and hand them in at the end of class;-)

Monday, January 28, 2008


Guga has asked us to visit her blog and vote on her 3 designs.

Her blog is located here: http://guga-itreflections.blogspot.com

It's going to be hard to choose - they are all so fab!

Danny's Blog

Year 10 - one of your classmates has done made a huge contribution to our links list. Check out Danny's blog to see what he has provided!

Thanks Danny!


Sunday, January 27, 2008


Year 10 - Blogger has made it easy to add a poll to your blog!

1) Click on the Template tab
2) In the Sidebar click on "Add A Page Element"
3) There you will see all of the options that you can add to your blog.
4) Under Polls click on Add To Blog
5) Insert the question and answers and Save.

It was that easy!

January 28

Year 10 - Continue working on your Designs and Plans. Our deadline is Wednesday.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Jan 23 - X Country period 7, 8

Good Morning Year 10 (am class only)

Today only 1 Year 10 group will have IT classes. This afternoon all Year 10's will have fun running laps for Cross Country.

In an effort to be completely fair - I will return all Investigation drafts on Monday (rather than today).

In the meantime, please work on the Design and Plan portions of the project. The (draft) due date will be for the Design and Plan will be January 30.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

January 21

Year 10 - Let's keep on track.
I haven't finished looking at your drafts but will have them back to you on Wednesday;-)
For those of you who have NOT finished the Investigation, continue with that.
For those of you who HAVE finished, well done! Now continue on to the Design portion. (This is fun!)

Voki and Blabberize

Remember that you can create a Voki (talking avatar) at: http://www.voki.com

One of your classmates found another open-source tool along these lines. The site is called Blabberize and is located at: http://www.blabberize.com . Blabberize takes this animated picture idea one step further and allows you to upload the picture/image of your choice and send a message. Way cool! Thanks Guga:-)

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Copyright Example

You need this info for your Design Brief.

Copyright info examples:

1) http://www.tommybrakstad.no/tommybrakstad.no.html This site has an example of a copyright:

Created and copyrighted in 2006-2008 by Tommy H. Brakstad. Web site started december 2001. This site is hosted by UniWeb.
No bytes were intentionally harmed during the development of this website.

2) Copyright © 2007 Discovery Communications Inc.

3) Copyright © 1999 – 2008 Google

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Januuary 16

Year 10 - The (Draft) Investigation Portion of your Project is due today at the end of class. Please complete your work and print a copy and give it to me. (*Remember to put your name on it;-) I will review it and offer suggestions for the final version.

The next portion of the Design Cycle is "DESIGN". You will find a Design Help Sheet here and in the sidebar.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

January 14

Year 10

The First Draft of your Investigation is due Wednesday.

We are going to do this a little differently.

You are going to PRINT the document - please include your name. Please don't print the cover sheet, only the Investigation. I will review your work and you will have the opportunity to make corrections/changes.

Term 2 Homework Schedule

Year 10 - Your Homework Schedule for Term 2 is as follows:

1) You are to make a refelection in your online process journal after every every double lesson. I hope that you will be able to accomplish this at the end of each class. However, it is YOUR responsibility to keep up your blog. If you are unable to make your posting during class time, it is HOMEWORK. Not having a computer or functioning internet connection at home is NOT an excuse as there are plenty of computers on campus for you to use during break/lunch/after school.

2) We have deadlines to maintain. Any work that you don't finish in class is automatically assigned as homework.

Year 10 - The best plan of action is to work diligently during class time :-)

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

January 9

Get a Voki now!

Year 10 - Time and tide wait for no man . . . Term 2 is really short and we are just a few weeks away from Carnival break, so we must be extremely industrious.

You will have strict deadlines to meet this term and they will be posted in the blog.

Monday, January 7, 2008

January 7

Year 10 we had bad luck today with our electrical problem. Maybe we should have asked Santa for a new electrical system . . .

But we were able to briefly preview the Unit of Work. All of the documents you need are in the sidebar under Term 2 UOW - Promotional CD

To recap: 1) Open the Primary Document. We are going to create a Promotional CD. You can choose the product/item/topic.
2) Use the INVESTIGATE Help Sheet to begin your investigation. EACH of the items must be addressed.

Remember you must build a Design Folder. To do this open Word 2007. Go to the Insert Page and on the extreme left side of the ribbon, click on COVER. Choose one of these professional looking covers. Include your name and the title of your project (which is "Promotional CD").

On the next page (which will be blank) begin with your investigation. The idea is to have one big online document including the Cover sheet, Investigate, Design, Plan, Create, and Evaluate.

Should you have any questions, just raise your hand I will be happy to answer them.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

January 7 - Let's Begin!

Get a Voki now!

Our project will be to develop and create a Promotional CD. All the documents that you need to be successful can be located in the sidebar to the right.

Let's explore these documents before we begin. Remember you can always find these documents online, in the Year 10 folder, and on the school's server.

You are only a few keystrokes away from success!

January 7

Welcome Back Year 10. I hope you had a restful break and are full of energy! I wish you lots of laughter and happy times in 2008!