Sunday, September 30, 2007

October 1

Year 10 - Our Investigation deadline is October 3.

How close are you to meeting your goal? Should we renegotiate and extend the deadline?

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

September 26

Let's continue with the Investigation . . .

What was he thinking?

Check out this article that I read online in the New York Times:

Published: September 25, 2007
A former top administrator of the Camden campus of the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey gave passing grades to unqualified students, potentially endangering patients, according to a federal monitor’s report released yesterday. In the report, the monitor, Herbert J. Stern, wrote that an inquiry had confirmed allegations against the administrator, Dr. Paul R. Mehne, who was the associate dean for academic and student affairs at the university’s Robert Wood Johnson Medical School campus in Camden since 1995. Dr. Mehne was suspended with pay in June and then retired at the end of the month. A telephone call to his home was not returned yesterday. The university has since made changes to increase oversight of the Camden campus, said Anna Farneski, a spokeswoman for the university.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

September 24

Monday, Monday!

We are continuing with the Investigation portion of our project.

October 3 is the deadline.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

September 19

Year 10

The Investigation continues . . .

The Investigation Deadline is October 3 !

If you need any assistance, please ask!!!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

September 17

Year 10:

1) We are continuing with the Investigation Phase of the project

2) Among the links that were provided, there is an example of a process journal showing what should be included - your blog is YOUR process journal

Remember that we are in a work environment and that good work habits are rewarded!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

September 12

Year 10. . .

1. Have you downloaded the documents (located in the sidebar) into your folder on the school's server yet? If you haven't, please do that now. It is important that you are able to access your classwork at all times. (Remember, we had a problem last week when the entire class was attempting to open the documents at the same time. We don't want that to happen again.)

2. Use the Investigation Help Sheet! It's there to guide you through this process and help you along your way.

3. Don't forget - your blog is also your process journal. Use the blog as a tool to record URL's and other vital information.

4. We have a double period and you have the opportunity to get a lot of work done. Please stay on task and if you need any help or have any questions, please feel free to ASK :-)

Monday, September 10, 2007

Sept 10 - How to create hyperlinks/links

Because your blog is your online "Process Journal"it is important to know how to link to other sites. During the Investigation you will have a need to record the URL (Uniform Resource Locator, previously Universal Resource Locator, is the unique address for a file that is accessible on the Internet) of sites that you have visited - it is easy to insert the link into your posting.

Herre are 2 EASY ways:

  1. Just type in the entire URL including the http:// part. This will AUTOMATICALLY become an active hyperlink. Example is given below.
  2. Another method is to type a word or words. Then highlight the word and click on the link icon in the toolbar (this link is located between the Text Color icon and Align Left icon). You will see a box open asking you to insert the URL. After typing the URL, click on OK and you are done. You hyperlinked!

    after class

Now you try it! Yes, it was that easy ;-).

Sunday, September 9, 2007

September 10

Welcome back. We are trying to create the first digital classroom at SDIS.

Well last week we created student blogs. Remember that the blogs have a definite purpose: to act as a progress journal. In the past students were expected to have a notebook and a pencil - not anymore. Your blog is the online space that you can write your reflections and notes. This will aid you in the evaluation portion of the design cycle. You are REQUIRED to make a posting for each class.

Today we will begin the investigation.

1. Download the documents for our Unit of Work ( link list located in the sidebar) and save to your folder. That way they will always be available to you and this will eliminate the problems associated with all of the students trying to access these documents at the same time.

2. Begin the investigation. Use the Investigation Help Sheet and Project Completion Sheet to help you stay on task.

I am here to assist you - so if you have any questions or problems, please feel free to ask for help.

The goal is for everyone to be successful and obtain the maximum mark!

Welcome to Technology

This was the introduction presented by the Technology Department.

Welcome Year 10

You all looked like you were having so much fun with your blogs that I just had to create one of my own.

Welcome to the Year 10 IT blog. I thought that we needed a space that was more interatctive than a website. Also thought that we needed a space where your tasks in this class would be more visible.

Your class assignments will be posted on this blog - so watch this space!