Welcome back. We are trying to create the first digital classroom at SDIS.
Well last week we created student blogs.
Remember that the blogs have a definite purpose: to act as a progress journal. In the past students were expected to have a notebook and a pencil - not anymore. Your blog is the online space that you can write your reflections and notes. This will aid you in the evaluation portion of the design cycle. You are
REQUIRED to make a posting for each class.
Today we will begin the investigation.
1. Download the documents for our Unit of Work ( link list located in the sidebar) and save to your folder. That way they will always be available to you and this will eliminate the problems associated with all of the students trying to access these documents at the same time.
2. Begin the investigation. Use the
Investigation Help Sheet and
Project Completion Sheet to help you stay on task.
I am here to assist you - so if you have any questions or problems, please feel free to ask for help.
The goal is for everyone to be successful and obtain the maximum mark!